EU Kommission verleiht Preis für die innovative Nutzung von Auftragsvergabedaten

Die EU Kommission hat Preise für die innovative Nutzung von Daten aus dem Bereich der öffentlichen Auftragsvergabe ausgelobt. Gewonnen hat das Projekt „Tenderlake“ aus dem Vereinigten Königreich. Dieses Proejtk nutzt künstliche Intelligenz um Internetseite und Broschüren zu durchsuchen. Anhand der Resultate wird ermittelt, was die Anbieter verkaufen. Diese Informationen werden dann genutzt, um Geschäftsmöglichkeiten im TED an Unternehmen zu vermitteln. Das System soll selbstlernend sein. Ein besonderes Higlight: Geschäftsmöglichkeiten werden nur geeigneten Unternehmen vorgeschlagen.

Die Pressemitteilung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor:

European Commission awards prizes for the innovative use of public procurement data

The European Commission has awarded prizes to innovative mobile or web applications that use public procurement data to address policy or societal challenges and help better the lives of Europeans.

The competition was part of the 2018 EU Datathon – public procurement challenge, which was organised by the Office of Publications Office of the European Union (OP) and the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs. A jury, composed of 14 people from EU institutions and the private sector, assessed the entries.

The top three projects were presented during the High-level Conference on Digital Transformation of Public Procurement that the Commission organised in Lisbon on 18 October 2018.

The winners

1st prize: Tenderlake (United Kingdom)
This project uses artificial intelligence to search the websites and brochures of companies to identify what they have to sell. This information is used to send tender opportunities identified in TED to economic operators. The system gradually learns what opportunities are interesting for suppliers and only sends notices to companies that qualify.

More information about Tenderlake

2nd prize: Public BI (Germany)
This application is a business intelligence solution to help people and businesses uncover hidden trends, patterns, correlations and anomalies in EU public procurement.

More information about Public BI

3rd prize: Perfektio (Finland)
This solution provides past data on the procurement of innovation, such as who won the tenders and with which suppliers they were associated.

More information about Perfektio

Quelle: EU Kommission