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Zitierangaben: Vergabeblog.de vom 23/05/2018 Nr. 37105

eCertis – Neue Version bietet Lösungen für Unternehmen und öffentliche Einkäufer im Binnenmarkt

Die EU Kommission hat eine neue Version des Tools eCertis, das Informationssystem für Bescheinigungen und sonstige Nachweise, die bei Ausschreibungsverfahren in den 28 Mitgliedstaaten der EU, Beitrittskandidaten wie der Türkei sowie den drei EWR-Staaten (Island, Liechtenstein und Norwegen) häufig verlangt werden, veröffentlicht.

Die neue Version verfügt über ein neues “Look&Feel”, zusätzliche Filereinstellungen sowie erweiterte mehrsprachige Unterstützungen. Die Kommission betont, dass die Verwendung von eCertis an Schwung gewonnen habe.ECertis sehe derzeit rund 500 verschiedene Zertifikate von rund 250 ausstellenden Behörden vor.

Die nachfolgende Pressemitteilung ist nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar:

The European Commission has released a new version of eCertis featuring a new look and feel, additional filters with multiple choices, expanded multilingual support and more. eCertis is a mapping tool used to identify and compare certificates and other proof requested in public procurement procedures across the EU.

eCertis provides important information to businesses on what type of certificates or other proof they need to meet various tender criteria. Examples include proving the payment of taxes, financial and technical capability, or the absence of criminal convictions. This system contributes to a well-functioning EU Single Market by helping companies bid on tenders in other EU countries where the type of evidence needed may be different from that required in their own country.  For example, some EU countries require an extract from the criminal register to prove the lack of a criminal conviction, while in others a self-declaration is sufficient.

Positive results

The use of eCertis across the EU has been gaining momentum. To date, the tool contains 500 certificates (e.g. extract of criminal records), includes 250 issuing bodies (e.g. Ministry of Justice), and can help establish compliance with over 1000 criteria in EU and EEA countries (e.g. absence of criminal conviction). Around one in every four certificates are also accessible online. In the last quarter of 2017, eCertis had 10 600 unique visitors, a 253% increase when compared to the same quarter in 2016.

Future developments

Thanks to funding under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), there will be an automatic link with eCertis in 16 EU countries by the end of 2018. This will provide even easier and faster access to information for both buyers and suppliers.

Quelle: EU-Kommission

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